We all know how important establishing routines is for healthy child development just like we all know the shift from summer to the back to school schedule can be challenging. I prefer to look at challenges as opportunities! Here are some ways that we can make the most of the opportunities that arise as we prepare our kids for a successful transition into the new school year.
Let us start with the basic need for rest and quality sleep. Many children get into a later bedtime habit during the summer. This can lead to a shift in sleep routine, causing the child to get to bed later and sleep in later the next day. It is always best to try to stick to a regular sleep schedule however, summer can bring some opportunities to deviate from that regular sleep schedule. Try starting to get that school sleep schedule started at least two weeks before school start. This will help your child adjust to the school schedule with greater ease. Remember, young school age children need up to 12 hours of sleep while tweens and teens need at least 9 hours.
The next opportunity to consider is bringing the body into balance. To begin with, many children do not get enough exercise. Add to that academic demands, media consumption, a reduction in PE and recess and we have the perfect storm for behavior and attention problems, obesity, and other long-term health issues. Now add academic pressures, sports schedules, various other lessons, social gatherings, busy and often rushed parents, and much more and your child may now feel stress. Enter yoga. Yoga helps your child learn techniques for relaxation, breathing, inner fulfillment, and self-health.Physically it enhances flexibility, strength, and coordination. It increases a sense of concentration as well as a sense of calm in children. Additionally, children's relaxation improves. Practicing yoga is exercise for children that connects them with their inner self and brings them into an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them.
The last opportunity I would like for you to consider is community and compassion.Setting norms of face-to-face behavior and appropriate social skills are more important than ever, thanks to the constant distraction and influence of electronic media. Social and emotional learning have been shown to improve academic achievement in the classroom. Yoga stimulates and balances on all levels including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects in your child's life.
Having your child regularly practice yoga will help improve his sleep (our first opportunity), promote fitness, body awareness, flexibility, strength, stamina, and balance, (our second opportunity), and support self-esteem, promote unity and respect for all people, increase behavioral self-regulation, and improve social skills (our third opportunity). A yoga program is a wonderful thing to add to your child's back to school routine. Starting the school year off right with healthy habits and behavioral skills won't just help with academic success but also with life success, health, and happiness!