Dragonfly Yoga for Kids and Teens
It is hard to believe that we are already in November! The Fall is going by so fast! We have been very busy at Dragonfly Yoga this Autumn season! We have been working on Eye Yoga, Balance, Gratitude, and Nutrition. We have invited our friends to join us in our practice of yoga! We held a special Halloween class as well.
Eye Yoga |
In our eye yoga class, we learned which was our strongest eye and how we can do yoga exercises to balance the strength of our eyes. As we headed into Autumn, we took some time to practice our balance poses, as the Autumn Equinox is a time of balanced light and dark. Mid October, we stared our six week theme of gratitude. During our first class, we decorated a grounding tree with things we are grateful for. The next class found us decorating two tress, a giving tree and a thankful tree. There are many things that we are thankful for and many things we can give to others. In our class last night, we talked about nutrition and food. We are so grateful for the many healthy food choices we have available to us. We talked about the idea of moderation (the yama Aparigraha or "non-greed") We also recognized that the the yama Ahimas (non-violence) can help guide us as we make healthy food choices. Many of us yogis do not eat meat as we are practicing Ahimas. We can practice the Niyama Shauca or "cleanliness" when we eat foods that are pure instead of filling our bodies with junk. We decorated a Cornucopia of healthy food that we are grateful to have access to in our lives.
On Halloween, we dressed in our costumes and practiced yoga to Halloween songs such as "Monster Mash", "Thriller", and "Ghostbusters". We used pool noodles as our ghost-busting tools while we practiced our Warrior Series of poses. We practiced Pumpkin Breath and played several fun yoga games such as, Yogi Says ( a version of Simon says), Red Light Green Light (where we have to freeze in Tree Pose), and musical mats ( a version of musical chairs with yoga mats). A fun time was had by all who participated!
Side Plank |
As we move towards Thanksgiving, our yogis will be collecting food for the local food pantry. On November 21st we will hold a Karma Class where we will dedicate the food. We will once again, invite our friends to practice with us. In December, we will work on affirmations and transformation as we head into the Winter Solstice.
We will start charging a monthly fee for classes in December. Instead of $75 for six weeks, we will charge $50 each month. The price is the same. We will still have a drop in rate of $15 per class. All new students will receive a free first class! If you are looking for a program with many benefits, please consider yoga for your children.