After reading an article on msncb Health titled "Broga caters to guys wary of yoga", I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, if this approach brings more men to participate and experience the many benefits of yoga, then I am all for it. On the other hand, many athletes and other celebrity men practice traditional yoga. I have come to the conclusion that however one finds yoga, I can celebrate that particular individuals yoga practice.
If you are interested in reading more about Broga, here is the link to the msnbc article.
Here is a list of some celebrity men who practice yoga:
1. Dennis Quaid
2.Ricky Martin
3. The LA Lakers Basketball Team practices together as a team
4. Evander Holyfield
5. Sting
6. Tobey Maguire
7. Russell Simmons
8. Adam Levine
9. Lebron James
10. Levar Burton
11.Woody Harilson
12. Kareem Abdoul Jabar
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