Saturday, March 10, 2012

Outdoor practice

This picture was taken at sunrise, one October morning. This is the view from my deck.

  Another picture of the sun rise.  
            My son and other students of Tsunami Karate in Perkaise, participated in a special winter training, for four consecutive days. Their morning starts at 6:00 am with trail running. They also practice karate techniques and perform their kata outside. They end around 7:30 am with meditation. This morning, as I watched them perform their kata outside, I noticed that, despite the cold (it was 27 degrees), it was a beautiful morning! The sun was shining and their were many sounds of nature all around! Not being a cold weather person myself, I came to realize that there is something magical about being outdoors during this time of the day. Many mornings, the view from my deck is beautiful. There is nothing like the feeling of practicing yoga, on my deck, during sunrise, with this view in the background. I love doing yoga at dawn, when the weather permits me to be outside, in my bare feet, without being uncomfortable. But watching these dedicated karate students in this weather made me realize that maybe, just maybe, I too, should consider moving my practice outside for a few mornings, when the weather may not be exactly what I consider to be comfortable. .

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