Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Chakras

Chakras are our spiritual energy centers. Chakra means wheel or disk, as the chakras are tight circles of energy. There are seven primary centers of energy housed along the spine; starting at the tailbone and ending at the top of the head. This is known in yoga as the energy body. When our energy body is balanced, it aligns with our physical body to create a feeling of wellness and health. When the energetic body is not balanced we can experience a irritation, anxiety, or lack of balance. All the charkras are joined together by nadis (energy channels). How each chakra functions depends on the person's spiritual and physical health. Some chakras can be underactive, sluggish, or possibly overactive. If a chakra malfunctions, there will be a hormonal, physical, and/or emotional disturbance. Practicing yoga can help to shift energetic blockage and bring the chakras back in balance. Yoga poses and breathing can purify chakras and help to harmonize prana, allowing it to move freely through the body.

Each chakra stores energy that stimulates lessons that support our journey to become the best we can be. These energies influence how we view our world, love ourselves and others, and develop the ability to make choices in our life.Yoga stimulates the energetic body and awakens the lessons stored within the chakras. Each yoga pose stimulates one or more of the energy centers. Yoga sequences are designed to effectively move energy through the body for full balancing. Participating in a yoga program can improve a vast array of physical skills and also awaken the awareness of values and choices in everyday lesson of life. Life's journey can sometimes be rough therefore a program that can help guide self-awareness and development can be a precious gift.

Please stop by each day for the next seven days to read about each of the seven chakras.

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