Friday, June 29, 2012

Third Eye Chakra

Ajna (Third Eye) chakra, or the Brow Chakra as it is sometimes called, is located in the middel of the forehead, in the brow area. Ajna means "to know" and is associated with your sixth sense or intuition and imagination. It is shown as a silver lotus with two petals. The two petals represent the two hemispheres of the brain that are portrayed as male and female energies; one being receptive, the other being dynamic.

The Third Eye Chakra is emotionally linked to intuition, intelligence, concentration, and visualization. This energy center stimulates imagination and intuition. Self-reflection is also evoked in this center. Lessons located in the brow center are concentration, wisdom, insight and peace of mind. Other aspects of this area include dreams, beauty, vision, and color. Guided imagery can stimulate the lessons of this chakra. Once a child is balanced by participating in the yoga postures of the program, it is time to encourage visual creation. This is how imagination is cultivated and the potential of thoughts expanded. Children have not yet formulated mental limitations, therefore they are still open to creating their dreams.

When the Third Eye Chakra is functioning well, a child will grasp concepts, be mentally alert, and have a charismatic personality that allows him to make friends easily. If it is overactive, he will be inattentive and unable to concentrate on anything. If it is underactive, he may have little personality or suffer from some learning problems or disabilities.

To improve the Brow (Ajna) Chakra, practice Balancing Stick Pose, Child's Pose, Savasana, and visualization and concentration exercises as well as guided imagery. You can find these exercises and guided imagery in books or on the internet.

Balancing Stick Pose
Child's Pose

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