Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Root Chakra (Muladhara) in Children

The Root Chakra is situated at the base of the tail bone, where our body connects tot he earth when sitting. In yoga, it is depicted as a beautiful red lotus with four petals. In the center of the lotus is a yellow square that represents the Earth element and shakti or primal energy.

Emotionally, this chakra is about basic survival, feeling stable and safe in the world. The lesson stored within the energetic body is about establishing our foundation. This area stores lessons around the ways in which we connect with the world, such as through family, roots, and home. Children need to have a solid footing in the world and learn to understand the oneness of family and community. Children learn about group identity and how they fit in within a group. It is important for a child to know the security of their family unit and thrive through connection in their world. Having a feeling of security at home builds the foundation for the child to gain the confidence needed to individuate and explore outside the immediate family. Love and acceptance help a child to feel grounded.

Bridge Pose
When the root chakra is functioning properly, a child feels grounded, is full of energy, and gets along well with other children and adults. If it is overactive a child can become selfish, self-centered, or boisterous. A child with an overactive root chakra may bully other children. If the root chrkra is underactive, the child , may be needy, fearful, or suffer from low self-esteem or a bad self-image.

To balance Muladhara chakra, practice Bridge pose,Locust poses, Clam pose, and Squat pose.

Locust Pose
Squat Pose
Clam Pose

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