The Crown chakra is located on the crown of the head. It connects us to our spiritual side and our higher wisdom. This energetic spot also pertains to connection, grace, soul, and the Universe. It is here we feel the energy of self-unification, or a coming together of our personality with our higher self. We become aware of something greater than our self and are interested in being our very best.
Sahasrara is shown as a lotus with a thousand petals with shivalingham, a symbol of pure consciousness, in the center. The crown chakra is emotionally connected to purity and spirit. It is associated with inspiration and our relationship with that which is divine. It puts us in touch with our divine purpose and selfless service, and teaches us to be present in the moment. It holds our discovery of the knowledge that we are connected to all that is.
When this chakra is balanced in children, a child will be at peace with herself and have a magnetic personality. If it is overactive, a child may act manically; if it is underactive, she may feel isolated or fear any sort of change.
To balance Sahasrara, practice concentration and visualization exercises as well as guided imagery in Savasana. Meditation is also a good discipline to learn.
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