Bow Pose |
Cobra Pose |
Child's Pose |
Bridge Pose |
The Heart (Anahata) Charkra is located in the center of the chest, close to the physical heart. Anahata means "unstruck sound" and refers to the life beat of the universe, similar to the body's heartbeat: the pulse of life and love. This love is unconditional, constant, and pure. The heart chakra is shown as a blue lotus with 12 petals. In the center of the lotus are two interlocking triangles representing the Air element. Emotionally, this chakra holds our powerful emotions, such as love, compassion, patience, and contentment.
The lessons of love, compassion, and how to heal past wounds are held in the heart chakra. This energy center marks the midway point between the body's seven primary chakras. The three lower centers pertain to the lessons of the outside world and three upper centers are related to lesson of our inner world. In the heart chakra we learn the qualities of loving and being loved. There are lesson of openness, giving, receiving, balance, and compassion. This center is involved in our impressions of self-acceptance. When we accept and love ourselves, it is much easier to share love and accept others. Within our heart chakra is stored our emotional powers, and also the ability to forgive. Children enjoy activities that involve loving self and others.
When the heart chakra is functioning well, a child is caring and nurturing, can show compassion to others, and is contented. If it is overactive, she can become possessive, be divisive, or act melodramatically. If it is underactive, she may be spiteful, shut down emotionally, or have a fear of being rejected. To balance the heart chakra practice Bridge Pose, Bow Pose, Cobra Pose, Wheel Pose, and Child's Pose.
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